Well, kind of ... in my home it's really for the kids - that's what I enjoy about the season so much; shopping for them, watching their faces as they get exactly what they wished for (but not too much!), passing on traditions, making new ones ...

But for me, personally, Christmas is about the dolls. I don't need (or want more) jewelry, I have enough sweaters to last a lifetime ... I did ask for a couple books and some (very specific) toiletries and perfume, but the "big" gifts? All about the dolls - the only problem with that is convincing hubby that yes these things will be used for my sewing, but I still want them.
So, I asked for a bigger light tent - which has already been used (see below images ... above image was outside, in the snow at night) and walked hubby through buying a child size BJD from a Korean company. Yup, dem's da big gifts! I'd love to have said "these shoes", "those wigs", "some of these eyes" and "oh, could you please schedule a face-up with ___?" But ya know, that would've been too fussy ... and he doesn't need to know that the dolls shoes can cost as much as mine.
(Man-doll mentioned in last post came ... and went. That'll be the last time I buy a doll by it's promo alone.)

And right now the doll clothes I'm making are all about Christmas - only fair I guess. My three year old is fascinated the "correctness" of male BJDs ... only time you'll hear "Dolly has penis!" and not need to do a double take.

I do find myself pulling the camera out for the dolls a lot now though ... especially for Francesca ... she is wonderfully photogenic ... just wish the three boys sat still so well for the Christmas card photos I'm procrastinating ... gah.

But for me, personally, Christmas is about the dolls. I don't need (or want more) jewelry, I have enough sweaters to last a lifetime ... I did ask for a couple books and some (very specific) toiletries and perfume, but the "big" gifts? All about the dolls - the only problem with that is convincing hubby that yes these things will be used for my sewing, but I still want them.
So, I asked for a bigger light tent - which has already been used (see below images ... above image was outside, in the snow at night) and walked hubby through buying a child size BJD from a Korean company. Yup, dem's da big gifts! I'd love to have said "these shoes", "those wigs", "some of these eyes" and "oh, could you please schedule a face-up with ___?" But ya know, that would've been too fussy ... and he doesn't need to know that the dolls shoes can cost as much as mine.
(Man-doll mentioned in last post came ... and went. That'll be the last time I buy a doll by it's promo alone.)

And right now the doll clothes I'm making are all about Christmas - only fair I guess. My three year old is fascinated the "correctness" of male BJDs ... only time you'll hear "Dolly has penis!" and not need to do a double take.

I do find myself pulling the camera out for the dolls a lot now though ... especially for Francesca ... she is wonderfully photogenic ... just wish the three boys sat still so well for the Christmas card photos I'm procrastinating ... gah.