I wasn't going to have time to sew up things to sell, so it was time to re-prioritize my collection. Briefly I considered selling one BJD for the bulk of the cash, but I took a good look at her and the rest of my collection and decided to sell off more 16" fashion dolls and more Barbies instead. How much was the doll I wanted to buy? Neveryoumind. But, the Tonner collection got narrowed down to just seven dolls, and only a dozen Barbies are left now - the Sashas weren't even considered, they stay.
It always surprises me what folks will pay for doll items. One of the things sold was a red pleated paisley vintage Barbie skirt (in excellent condition) that went for well over seventy dollars. Wow. I'm glad, but wow.
How did I decide what to keep? Nostalgia. Dolls that are replacements for favorites from childhood (Barbies and a Darci) and 16" fashion dolls that represent something important from my adulthood. One of the Tonners is my first Tyler, a gift from wonderful friends, others are dressed in outfits that look like favorite outfits of mine (like the knock-'em-dead black velvet suit worn on a date with my hubby early in our relationship) and one is my Harry Potter doll. Yeah, I'm a Potter-head. Been something fun to do with my oldest child ... but I had to promise I wouldn't bring the doll to the upcoming HP7 book release party. Tuh! Spoil sport!
So, what was bought and why? It was another 60cm scale BJD, a Dollstown Lucille head on a Domuya Flexi body. What made her special? I fell in love with her pictures. Her original owner, a wonderful face-up artist named Jay (drop me an e-mail if you want to contact her for a commission) was doing her own reprioritization and put her up for sale. Am so glad I happened to pop into the board Jay advertized her on when I did!
Her name is Francesca, and she looks to be straight out of a fairy tale ...

*Sigh!* Isn't she lovely?

And here she is with the rest of my resin kids ...

Have to admit, am feeling the need for one more ... a little child BJD in correct scale to the rest ... like a Bambicrony. Hmmm ...